The process of showing and selling your home can go much more smoothly if you get everything ready. Find out how to get your home ready to impress buyers for the best offers and the top price for your home.

Preparing your home for sale is a bit like designing a stage for a play. Everything is in just the right place, perfectly arranged, and comfortably set.

There are television shows like Designed to Sell focused exclusively on, not decorating a home, but getting an otherwise drab, cluttered, boring house ready for a quick and profitable sale. Homes that are properly prepared sell faster and at a higher price than similar, unprepared homes.

The professional organizaton, Staged Homes trains real estate professionals and other interested individuals in the art of “Home Staging” and issues a certificate as an “Accredited Staging Professional ™.”

Just what do “Home Stagers” do and how can their theory help you sell your home?

Get out the cleaning supplies, boxes, and get ready to sell your home fast! You’ll love how easy it is to transform a languishing, slow-moving home into a quick sale with just a bit of elbow grease and an eye for beauty.

You may be lucky and just need to do some long-neglected simple home repairs, get rid of clutter and add fresh flowers. Or you might have to repaint or recarpet your home to give it a fresh look. If you’re handy, you’ll be able to do most things yourself. But you may need to hire a plumber to install a new faucet in the kitchen or other professional to replace outdated light fixtures or window treatments.